
Hi, everyone! I’m Grace (or Bunny/Bunbun, as my hubby likes to call me), and this is my craft blog.

I remember the very day my mom bought me my first pair of scissors. Yes, they were safety scissors, but they cut through all of the stacks of construction and notebook papers my little hands could hold! A ball of yarn here, a yard of fabric there… I knit and sewed from childhood through college, and found myself loving everything to do with crafting.

I learned how to knit from my sister, embroider from my mom, and sew from my dad. I picked up a few other skills on my own (crocheting, cross-stitching, quilting), building upon what I was taught by my family.

I’m a dancer and pastry chef by trade, but I find myself crafting a lot; another creative avenue of activity!

My favorite craft projects: knitting Stuffed Plushies, sewing Zipper Pouches, wool-felting Mini Animal Figures.

Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoy my blog!

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